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Capricorn Moon Sign Makara Rashi Horoscope 2019

Introduction- This year will make you get peace. Good works only can bring you success. Understanding you will be difficult for unknown persons. You may get all works done and problems solved with your hard work and intelligence. You will have special efficiency on some law issue. You are lover of freedom. Your mood keeps on changing. You are highly confident and you do not tolerate harmful acts. You always protest wrong deeds. 


Nature- You are generally of a dark complexion. You are tall in stature. You have a strong physical structure. May have a mole near your shoulder. You believe firmly in yourself and you are religious. You do not tolerate misdeeds. You protest whenever you see them. You long for love and affection, and you get upset if you are not loved. You love to keep your authority on everyone. If you are happy, you try to keep others happy too. You are brave and your anger make you do anything. You regret and repent your bad behavior later.

Character – You are a religious minded person. You have a great dependence on religion. You can withstand a lot of hardship. You face major troubles many times in life. Your confidence is great. You believe in chanting mantras and rituals. You are hardworking and hate dishonesty. You work hard to establish yourself. You are attracted towards other’s wives. You are of a reserved bent of mind. Your temperament keeps n changing. You are ambitious in nature. You always protest if something illegal is going on. You also do not harbor dishonest people. You face big hindrance twice or thrice in life.

Family life- Family life will face problems. Keep your brain calm and solve them. You have to spend a lot of money for family reasons. Married life may be happy at beginning, but the happiness may not last. Your family have the risk of accidents. Your income and expenditure will be almost same. Some established person in society will help you. Several women will be in relation with you due to your extreme physical vigor, and this may bring cracks in your marital life. Work life may go through many problems. You may get involved in some misdeed. Your parents’ health will keep you tensed. Income will be constant, and expenses can be more than income. Jobless youth have chances to get employed. Your trade will not show much profit. Some known person may help you in business. New business may be a failure. Education will face minor problems. Higher education may get hindered. Your health will not go well. You may face accidents. High blood pressure may degrade your health. Your enemies will increase. Your friend luck is good this year. You will get helped by your friends. Your friends may try to harm you at work place. You may lose your mother at childhood. You may go for foreign trips. 

Financial condition- Financial condition will be almost same. Expenditure will exceed your income. You will always be conscious about gaining wealth. You might have to earn money through many difficulties. You may inherit some ancestral land property.

Job and business- your work life will be happy. You have chances of getting a promotion. Unemployed youth may find jobs. Some unlucky incidents in your service life may cause you mental tension. Job place may have difficulties, but you may be promoted and there are chances of hike in salary. Trade sector will be medium. Some special person may help you in business. People involved with iron business will be lucky. Financial problems may cause problems in your service life. Starting new business can work out well. Chances of winning a lottery is minimal.

Education- This year you may be able to solve the minor problems in the way of your education. Several family problems may compel you to stop your education. Your parents will help you a lot. You will gain efficiency in philosophy, medical science and architecture.

Health- This year your health will not go well. There are chances of accidents. Physical injuries may come from accidents. Health problems may arise from arthritis, paralysis and high blood pressure. Children’s health will not be well. Parent’s health condition will keep you in anxiety.

Love and marital life- Love life may face many hindrances. You will keep on building relations with different women. Happy married life may bring occasional quarrels. You may get a bad name in terms of love affairs. You will be eager from your part in cases of love. Your jealousy may make you do bad deeds. Bachelors have chances of being married. Your wife will be beautiful, learned and intelligent.

Friend circle- This year will be good in terms of friends. You will get all forms of help from your friends. You will not hesitate before sacrificing for their good. You will be the most joyous among your friends. Friends will help you in education and job circle. Yu may get involved into some woman issue. Some foreigner friend might help you. Yu may be grieved by the sudden death of some friend. 


Females of Capricorn are of fair complexion. They are beautiful in looks. They have black moles on face and chest. They have bright eyes. Their face is small in size. They are rich and wealthy. They have belief in ghostly culture. They can easily win over the hearts of men. They are always tensed about their dearest male person. They look very indifferent from outside. Thursday is auspicious for them. You may get successful in any task on Thursday. Mostly you may get involved in love affairs. Your child fortune is good. You your child may not give you happiness. You may have major trouble twice in life, the first one before 7 years of age and the second one within 16 years of age. You may have good relation with several men. You will face barriers in marital life. You may get involved in criminal acts. You will get over minor hurdles in education. You will have a large number of friends. You will be helped by them. Your family life will be as usual and you will be loved by your family members.